Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Military Medical Personnel, Canada, South Korea, Mongolia

Great photo showing different camouflaged uniforms. Photo of army medical personnel from Canada, South Korea and Mongolia (see flag patches). The guy second in with AMC (Army Medical Corps) on shoulder flash is from India.

Source: Wikipedia.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Carabinieri: Italian military police

The Carabinieri are a military police corps. Much like the gendarmes in France, they can also police civil matters.

Nice article here:

An everyday as well as more formal uniforms. Lots of lanyards…!

Picture refs:
1, 2.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Life Guards

A long video but good close-ups of officer and other ranks parade uniforms of the Life Guards.

Friday, 6 June 2014

US army hair style guidelines

Army Regulation 670-1
(link to PDF) Also covers insignia.

"The US Army's new restrictions on which hairstyles are acceptable for African-American women have angered everyone from soldiers to members of Congress."

Thursday, 30 January 2014

US Army camouflage (UCP) simply doesn't work

© Thimbleweed - Creative Commons.
Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) had been hailed as a wonder solution to the age old camo problem of how to make camouflage work across all terrain. Typically countries issue different camouflage for different theatres: desert, snow, countryside or urban. So when the computer designed UCP claimed to work in all theatres it seemed a BINGO! moment.

With one small problem: it didn't work (ref here and here).

Check out the following article which outlines the problem and the history of camouflage very nicely:

"All digital camo has two layers: a micropattern (the pixels) and a macropattern (the shapes the pixels form). If the scale of the macro blobs is too small—as they are with UCP—it triggers an optical phenomenon called "isoluminance," rendering the carefully-constructed camo pattern into a light-colored mass. In other words, it makes it incredibly easy to spot targets from a distance. That was one of the biggest problems with UCP"

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014